Release 2.19r
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What's New

The latest significant and live release is 2.19q

Release 2.19r - September 2023

Release 2.19r has been updated with a number of fixes and minor enhancements mainly as a result of feedback with the "2022 Edition" Results Display.

"2022 Edition" Results Display

  • Download options are available through the Icon. at the top of the Pane mext to the Print Icon
  • The Large Print Icon performs the same as the Print of the Rank Pane
  • There have been corrections to the Percentage Colour Banding
  • The "Play It Again" can be quickly switched between BSOL and BBO with the relevant Buttons above 
  • No of Tables corrected
  • The use of the "Information" Tab has been fixed
  • "Carry Forward" is included in the Rank List,
  • Match Scores and a number of other scores are all automatically set to 1 or 2 decimals as necessary to match each other.
  • The WebAdmin Settings [Results Style] has an extra option to remove the .... separators between rows.
  • The Realbridge Auction data is skipped on "2022 Edition" - "Expert View" and can be viewed with the [More] Button above the Board. This is fixed to still show on the "Classic Edition". 

Other fixes and minor enhancements

  • The "Date Picker" is updated and the option in Settings - [Site Detail] ignored/removed.
  • There are changes to handle quotes in emails regardless of Character Set.
  • A correction has been made so that the Bookings/Find a Partner "Remember Me" and "Forget me" will work
  • Competition "Contains" option have been extended with more "And/Or" options.
  • Videos are automatically transferred to the "Vimeo" software and server
  • A fix has been made to correctly process Yes/No Form Send Email options 
  • The Form Edit will show Longer "Labels" when entered.
  • Technical: Bridgewebs has been updated to use the latest Jquery Code 1.13.1.
  • A Password "Eye" Icon is provided to allow the saved password to be viewed once filled
  • An option in Attendance to automatically match Director and Scorer to the calendar and if matching set to "Free"
  • To avoid confusion, the Visitor lines in the Membership are no longer Pink, but show in a fainter colour 
  • Shows Videos in Web Administration Pictures View Tab

You can see "What's New" at any time from your club site using the "Star" above the Menu.

This release is a Minor Release and currently available on Request to any club. Please use the "Administration Support Request" to request an upgrade and then if you find anything amiss.

Last updated : 14th Sep 2023 14:39 BST
Release 2.19q - June 2022

New features included in Release 2.19q

  1. A new module has been developed for Bridgewebs called a "Social Module". This is "Optional and more details can be found in the guide at
  2. The Results display has evolved over many years and now proving difficult to maintain and provide new functionality, so the software has been completely rewritten using modern techniques and is available as an option on the results display with a click "Switch to 2022 Edition". For the immediate future, users will be able to switch between the old "Classic Edition" and "2022 Edition". More information can be found in the guide at
  3. An "Option" to show the Menu across the Top of a page rather than down the side, subject to suitability. More information can be found in the guide at

Significant enhancements to Bridgewebs.

  • The Form feature has been significantly technically rewritten to overcome issues of Duplicate Submissions and several other aspects.
    • Mainly, it should look and work as it is. The rewrite will enable further enhancements to be more easily added.
    • The Forms are now submitted a different way which overcome Duplicate Forms caused by Users clicking the Browser [Go Back] button and issues with Ipads and Safari automatically resending Forms. 
    • The options have been extended and made clearer with options for sending confirmation emails etc.
    • The format of the Email sent will more closely resemble the Form on the Screen.
  • The Bookings feature has been enhanced
    • Numerous fixes 
    • A "How far in advance to Open Bookings?" option
    • An "Allocate 1 pair slot for Director?" option if Maximum Tables (x 2 pairs) allowed per event?" set
    • An option to set a "Regular Partner" in the Membership Database

Other enhancements and Fixes.

  • The Editor has been upgraded, in particular with an updated Spell Checker, after the existing Spell Checker was withdrawn December 2021. Use "Enable SCAYT"
  • In WebAdmin - Site Style, you can add a second line underneath the banner in a smaller/different font. This is referred to as a "Slogan"
  • New features in the Calendar
    • Schedule has an effective date. Automatic changes will only be made for periods for that Period or beyond.
    • Schedule Allows default Fees to be set if the Attendance Module is in use.
    • Options allow you to set the Title and text used at the top of a Calendar or Results page
  • The Style of text used in any Results Display will take the style of the new "Beta Results" - "Results Style" "Event Title" configuration. The style of the "More Info" has been changed to a Button.

You can see "What's New" when logged in to WebAdmin or use "Have a Look" to try it out without upgrading and then use the [Upgrade] button to upgrade, which should only take a few seconds.

Last updated : 27th Sep 2022 08:24 BST
Release 2.19p - 27th August 2021 (Technical)

This is a technical change on the Bridgewebs Server to provide better control over emails sent from Bridgewebs. This includes a small change in Release 2.19p to allow the club Administrator to set this up and amend as necessary rather than having to contact Bridgewebs. 

Bulk emails are sent from an "Auto/Noreply" email of You can specify a "Reply To" address when creating a Bulk Email which will appear in the top of the email. For "Anti-spamming" reasons, the actual "reply to" must be the same as the sending domain. However, there is a "Cheat" by using a pseudo email which can forward to a personal email, and this achieves the same.

We have moved the mailbox to the live server which removes the limit on the number of such Forward Emails. As a result of this, it is now possible for the club to set up and update the recipients through the Web Administration Support Tab. Once set up for the club any replies to for the club will forwards to the appropriate emails and these should then receive any replies, including any bounce email messages.

Last updated : 18th Aug 2021 11:23 BST
Release 2.19p - 28th June 2021

Release 2.19p is primarily a release for the new "Attendance Module" and an additional feature for "Videos"

Attendance Module

  • We have developed a new "Attendance Module" which provides the necessary to monitor Session Costs and Payments, i.e. a Mini Player Accounting system. The club will  need to arrange a suitable method for players to pay the club on a monthly basis, generally "Online Banking", then as necessary will upload the list of payments to Bridgewebs and Bridgewebs will match these to the Sessions played.  At the end of the month will provide the players with a "Statement" of their current position "Balance"
  • As a future extension, we will look at providing an interface to Payment Button providers such as PayPal or Stripe, BUT paid to an account opened by the club, if there is sufficient demand.
  • We have no plans for a full "Payment Processing" system, that would require PCI DSS compliance with the Regulators and that is an expensive process. Any system for collecting money on behalf of other organisations is fraught with issues and we certainly would not want to be responsible for everything that goes with that, such as collecting and distributing tens of thousands of pounds and the pitfalls of Data Protection and issuing Refunds. It would be necessary to obtain an accreditation similar to ATOL protection for the Holiday Industry. We leave that to the bigger companies such as Ticketmaster, PayPal and others.
  • The "Attendance Module" is an optional feature, so if the club would like to try out the "Attendance Module", please contact Bridgewebs to turn on the "Attendance Module".
  • If the club wish to continue using the "Attendance Module" after trying it out, there will be an additional cost of £2/£3 per month equivalent, added to the subscription at renewal. This is felt necessary to cover the increase in databases, processing costs, increased usage of Email and general Support.

For more details, see,


  • Bridgewebs has in the past had a feature to show Videos on a club's web site. However, since Covid, the usage of this has been exponential and causing issues.
  • Video files can be very large and can take a lot of bandwidth downloading. They can be up to 10000 times as large as a typical set of results. Some Browsers optimise this, but to view the whole "Video" it will take time.
  • The Bridgewebs server is not designed for streaming such Videos and this can flood the server.
  • So Bridgewebs transfers Videos to a specialist Video Streaming service Vimeo and uses that instead.
  • There is a charge to Bridgewebs for the Vimeo service and accordingly, Bridgewebs reserves the right to pass some of that charge on to the club where their use is significant.

For more details, see,


  • Many clubs using RealBridge have also opted to use Bridgewebs and where they use Cyrillic or Slavic language, Bridgewebs now has an option to run a site in UTF-8 rather than ISO. There are changes in a number of areas including a separate dictionary for each Character Set UTF8 or ISO 
  • There have been a number of minor fixes to the "Bookings" Feature.
  • The "Calendar Schedule" has been enhanced to automatically update the Calendar when there are Schedule changes
  • The "Calendar Schedule" now allows a "Table Limit" to be set for the Bookings.
  • In "Calendar" - "Options", the "Calendar" can now be sorted  by "Time of Event" if a time has been added to all events for a day. Handles am/pm or 24 hour time
  • The "Competitions" calculation have some minor improvements to handle Aliases and ACBL awards
  • The "Realbridge Login" on the Calendar can now be set to "Mmber Only" in WebAdmin - Settings - Members and shows in Green
  • Improvements to handle "RealBridge" XML in UTF8
  • Improvements to display of "Wins/Draws" and "VPs"
  • Improvements to handle BBO usernames for Teams
  • PDF Invoice available for Subscriptions Invoices.
  • Some extra "Membership DB" fields for the Attendance Module
  • A "Delete Held" in the "News" page to remove all Held items for that page.
Last updated : 8th Jul 2021 17:14 BST
Release 2.19o - Further Fixes to January 2021

Release 2.19o is mainly a consolidation release of all the changes relating to "Online Bridge". With "Online Bridge" constantly changing, we have applied a number of fixes to avoid the need to upgrade to the "Beta" release.


  • The "Online Session" has been extended to include "RealBridge" and a session number in format xx.html?p=12345&q=ONLINE. Bridgewebs will add the approriate web address.
    • If present, Bridgewebs will add a link to a Calendar entry for the future to allow players to link directly
    • If present, Bridgewebs will add an extra button to any results to view the actual RealBridge History
  • Where the uploaded XML file is in UTF8 format, Bridgewebs will convert UTF8 names to standard ASCII format.
Last updated : 28th Jun 2021 09:35 BST
Release 2.19o - 14th September 2020

Release 2.19o is mainly a consolidation release of all the changes relating to "Online Bridge". "Online Bridge" became the the "New Normal" over the summer of 2020  in order to overcome the lack of Face2Face bridge due to Coronavirus. Release 2.19o also includes some minor enhancements that had been developed prior to "Lockdown".

Online Bridge

BBO (Bridge Base Online) Introduced in April/May and made available in 2.19n in parallel

  • A new "BBO Online" Tab has been introduced in "Results Administration" to allow a club to present results from BBO and use in the Calendar and Competitions, see
  • An alternative method is available using BBO Extractor.
  • Most of these change were "Retro-fitted" to release 2.19n

ACBL@Live (BBO) Available September

  • Bridgewebs provides a "Results Administration" option for uploading results direct from ACBL@Live.
  • ACBL are now providing Results for BBO Events and these can be transferred to Bridgewebs in a similar way as ACBLScore results

BCL (Bridge Club Live)

  • A new "BCL Virtual" Tab has been introduced in "Results Administration" to allow a club to automatically transfer results files direct from BCL to Bridgewebs.


  • A new option is provided in the Calendar to specify which online service and the session number
  • For Stepbridge, Bridgewebs will obtain the results and present in a Bridgewebs Frame.

Usernames - Real Names

  • 2 new fields have been provided on the Membership database BBO Username and BCL Username
  • All BBO Results will be checked against BBO Username and translated. 
  • All other results will be checked against BCL Username and translated
  • DO NOT use the Alias for this purpose. 

Related Changes include

Competitions  - Attendance Table

  • A new option is provided in the Calendar to specify which online service and the session number
  • For Stepbridge, Bridgewebs will obtain the results and present in a Bridgewebs Frame.

Usebio XML Format

With most of the online site providing results files in Usebio XML Format, there have had to be a number of changes to accept subtle differences between them.

  • The BBO XML file has a LINDATA entry which holds data to match the actual hand, bidding and play details. 
  • The ACBL XML file has a number of new features including
    • Provision for Stratification Details.
  • Provision for Accented characters
  • Provision for more than 100 boards


  • 2 new fields have been added, one for BBO Username and BCL Username.
  • The number of Club Fields has been extended from 8 to 10
  • The "Bulk Email" now allows a wildcard search of "*" which will find all non blank entries, such as to select non-blank BBO Username


  • Further improvements to security login, the session id will only be available via a cookie
  • Extension to provide UTF8 support for Cyrillic
  • Competitions - Addition of Attendance option
  • Competitions - Performance improvements with Display
  • Calendar - extended from 9 to to allow up to 30 events per day.
  • Fix to correctly increment "Page Count" on all access.

Bridgewebs Video Tutorials

Last updated : 13th Sep 2020 19:29 BST
Release 2.19n - September 2019

Release 2.19n is mainly a technical release continuing with the move towards better HTML/CSS which is the stuff that does all the web page formatting and enables the web site to be displayed differently according to the device in use, whether PC, Laptop or Mobile phone.

In particular

  • Each club CSS style file now contains the full Bridgewebs style information which means more club styles can be made available.
  • The standard 12 colour "Site Colour" is now redundant and each club can choose their own “Site Colours" using the full range of colours.
  • All Style "Colour" picking has been replaced with a new "Full Colour" Spectrum colour Picker.

Related Changes include

  • The WebAdmin - Menu - Theme now shows WYSIWYG as the public web site menu.
  • Bridgewebs will automatically switch to "https" secure mode for the display of pages.
  • The Settings - "Site Style" now allows more control over the Banner including full control over "Club name in large Font" and WYSIWYG as you change.
  • The Icons above the menu and in “Full Screen” mode have been updated with a new set of Bridgewebs icons.
  • The Help Icon has been replaced throughout, with extra Help buttons and links to the new guide.
  • A new "See more" News option is available using styles to show the start of a news item with a "see more" button that a user can click to see all the item without leaving the page. This means the Home page can be more compact.

Bulk Email

  • The Selection Section has been extended to allow selections over additional fields, in particular the club fields and address fields
    • The initial selection has been set to reflect the selections in Release 2.19m and previous
    • You can then use the + icon to add additional selections
    • Option to select emails from Forms
    • The selection fields and values can be varied by template, i.e. if you use the Open, the selection box will change
  • Extra features have been added to the Bulk Email Template Style see including
    • Use Club Web Page Banner
    • Use a Theme to set the style of the email
    • Include a News items or a whole news Page in Page style
  • Added a "Preview" button to view before you send.


Bridgewebs now provides a "Results Administration" option for uploading results direct from ACBL@Live, To access this feature, you will need to have set your "Bridge Affiliation" to ACBL and entered  your ACBL Number in WebAdmin - Settings - Details see

NGS Update - Bridgewebs has been upgraded to use the latest Release 3 EBU Interface. There should be no apparent difference to a user

ECATS - The interface to Ecats and EBU has been updated

Email Links - The Envelope Email links provided in various places around Bridgewebs, especially Committee/Board Member pages has provided a way of protecting emails by needing a double click to access the actual email. This has prevented standard trawling site from accessing list of emails. However, we have noticed that even this does not protect against some trawling sites and particularly Human trawling to obtain list of emails, which we have noticed from the logs is on the rise. So with this release, clicking the Envelope Icon will allow the user to send an email to the person concerned but NOT show the actual email.

ScoreBridge - Bridgewebs will accept the EBU XML file as well as the results file with "ScoreBridge Release 10.19.05". The main use of this feature is to switch to display Teams results using the XML file and provide the associated features including the extra X-Imps Tab. In normal use, you do not need to change anything. An extra option is available in WebAdmin - Settings - Scoring "Use XML file, if available, to display results rather than Scorebridge .dat file?" and will default to "No", but can be set to Yes if you frequently run Teams events. An individual event can be overridden for a particular event in the Calendar with an extra option [Use XML]/[Use Scorebridge] which will only show if an XML file has been uploaded. With a future release, this may be switched to use the XML file automatically.


  • Further improvements to data security
  • Access to Membership Lists can be performed direct from WebAdmin - Membership - Options below the Red message. The Tab shows the Edit box immediately rather than 2 steps.
  • The LastPlayed is now available in the "MB List" feature
  • Various fixes to Calendar highlighting
  • Improvement to scheduling Shared updates
  • Extra Competition Handicap option to use Handicap from Bridgewebs Membership database instead of entering Manually.
  • Additional option to provide the "Personal Analysis" as a Member Only option
  • Change to Format of deal Commentary box to allow for multiple Auctions
  • Allow up to 9 bws files and 9 deal files.
Last updated : 7th Sep 2020 18:25 BST
New Improved and Updated Guide - November 2018

A lot has happened with Bridgewebs over the years and we decided to completely review the Guide. This has been a major exercise over the 2018 summer. This includes:

  • It has been completly restructured
  • Obsolete features have been removed
  • Many subjects have been expanded 
  • More Pictures have been included
  • Completely restructured Style

All this to hopefully to make it easier and quicker to use. 

You can view the new Guide at which has now replaced the prvious guide and help pages.

Last updated : 10th May 2019 11:16 GMT
Release 2.19m - October 2018 (Update)

Release 2.19m (Update)

We have had a couple of incidents in the last few months of the Bridgewebs Email Service hanging resulting in delays with emails being received. On discussion with the Email Hosting company, we have been informed that the number of attachment related emails is large, in fact 10000 a month. All these files have to be transferred to the Email Hosting company, take up resources and can cause an overload.  It looks like the Form "Attach Submissions" feature and the use of the "Recover" results feature have been used much more extensively than planned.

  • The "Recover" feature was designed as an emergency backup procedure, but seems to be also used as an easy way of transferring files between scorers. We have, therefore, added an additional, Experimental, click on  xxx to download file directly and avoiding the need to send an email. This also has a benefit in that the "Recover" emails which are quite terse and have an attachment are sometimes treated as Spam.
  • The "Form" copy to administrator email has an option to attach the latest submission, but this seems to have generally been left on and attachments going out with every "Form" copy. We doubt that many are actually even opened. So, we have therefore turned off the Form attachment feature for the time being while we investigate. The Submissions can be easily downloaded via WebAdmin - News - Submissions Tab.

These changes had been developed for Release 2.19n, but brought forward into 2.19m to increase the reliability of the Email services.

As a Byproduct

  • The "Results" page had previously been identified as a performance issue with many larger clubs leaving the number of "Results to Show" as "1 year" leading to a large HTML page. It is recommended for large clubs to reduce this to "3 months" as many members will never scroll past the current month.  An update of the Calendar and Result Lists has been developed to include the new "Recover" options above. This had been modified to use more efficient CSS techniques. As a consequence, this more efficient version of "Results List" is now included in 2.19m. We may consider further refinements to this in the future to avoid a large page.


Last updated : 11th Oct 2018 14:35 GMT
Release 2.19m - May 2018

Release 2.19m covers 2 main subjects

  • Improvements to Adaptive Design following feedback from release 2.19l
  • Changes for European GDPR rule for May 25th 2018

Adaptive Design

  • Improvements to CSS for adaptive design
  • Option in WebAdmin - Settings - Options to specify width in pixels of Left and Right boxes.

Membership Lists and GDPR Member Data

  • There will be 6 Opt-In fields fields as follows:
    • Opt-In Show in Lists - The details for this person will not be shown in any Member list.
    • Opt-In Bulk Email - This email will not be included in any Bulk Email.
    • Opt-In Show Email - The email will not show in any list.  
    • Opt-In Show Phone - The phone will not show in any list.
    • Opt-In Show Mobile - The mobile will not show in any list. 
    • Opt-In Show Rank etc. - The EBU/ACBL Rank, NGS or Master Points will not show in any list 
  • The 3 "Show Email", "Show Phone", "Show Mobile" Opt-Ins are the primary ways of contacting a member and may be used outside lists, such as "Find a Partner". The "Show Rank etc." provides a means of restricting information obtained from the EBU/ACBL There could be an Opt-In for each piece of data held about a member, but this would overly complicate things, so if a member is concerned about any other information held by the club being shown in a list, the "Opt-In" - "Show in Lists" overrides all other "Show".
  • The "Member Only" - "Membership List" will automatically upgrade to the existing "Membership List" feature and added as a new News page and you can amend there 
  • The "Web Admin" - "Membership List" is replaced with a similar feature with a quick icon to set the Fields to show.  
  • The "Web Admin" - "Membership " - "Options " section "Choose the columns to show in the lists" is therefore redundant and removed.
  • Both these use an updated "Membership List" feature to display the member data.
    • All columns are sortable, including Alpha, Numeric and Date sorts.
    • A choice selection option will appear for any fields of a choice nature such as the "Status" and "Comp Codes".
  • User has a "Username" field which will show instead of Registered Name, or Pseudonym


  • ACBL - Change to display of Team Wins.
  • ACBL - Upload checks Owner as well as director and title to determine uniqueness
  • Support Message - Now includes Editor to allow HTML and links to be included. No longer spam checked, but does require CAPTCHA
  • Calendar Quick also includes tick box for Partner Required
  • Extended Colour Option. The existing Full Colour Option Option was found not to work in Secure https mode. Also found it is no longer supported. So have moved to a replacement which does work in https.
  • Competition fixes for Handicap events.
  • CKEditor 4.9.2 Available

Release 2.19m is now available as beta on request.

Last updated : 11th May 2018 14:31 GMT
Release 2.19l - Please Note

Release 2.19l has a number of features to improve the display on Small devices, such as Smartphones and Tablets, both in Portrait and Landscape mode and automatically adapts to the device and to the Browser. However, the rules Bridgewebs uses cannot correctly suit all Bridgewebs sites, so it may be necessary to make some club changes

This was tested with various Browsers and devices. Generally, most modern Browsers, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari work well

Microsoft IE 11. There is an issue with Microsoft IE not handling the HTML as per the standard. Many users who are on Windows 10 may have continued with IE 11. However, we would recommend using Microsoft Edge as it now works well or one of the other Browsers e.g. Chrome. 

We recommend looking at the following in WebAdmin

  • If pictures on the left box are chopped off, go to Menu - Theme and choose "Medium" width or even "Wide". We are looking into an alternative for this, see below
  • If pictures are chopped off, please make sure that the picture is small enough to fit,
  • If the Home page is squashed. In the earlier releases, it was common for pages to have a border on wide screens. It is now suggested that in Settings - Site Style you set the "Widescreen Style" from "Restricted" to "Expand to Maximum" and/or set a width greater than 1024px
  • Some users have used underscores ___________ to create a separator in a News item. Any such News item will expand to the width of the ___________. It is recommended to use a Browser Horizontal line with the Horizontal Line Icon, example below
  • Some users have entered long links, both emails and links in a News item. Any such long links will expand to the width of the link. It is recommended to enter text, such as "Click Here, mark it and create a Link with the Link Icon. or use the provided Bridgewebs Link feature.

Horizontal Line Icon
Link Icon 

We have created a beta Release 2.19m to tidy up some of the issues raised and this is available where necessary.

  • For NON IE, Release 2.19m now uses entirely HML5/CSS techniques to format pages and thus pages will appear to be "rendered" more quickly.
  • For IE, the release uses HTML5 in combination with javascript techniques
  • The use of  % width in particular was causing issues so is to be dropped and replaced with a pixel width, for both Left and Right boxes
Last updated : 19th Mar 2018 16:56 GMT
Release 2.19l - February 2018

 Find a Partner/Bookings

  • Option to specify title for Bookings as Reservations and associated changes.
  • Calendar Month - Additional Hover Popup showing detail and allow Login to use "Find a Partner" and "Booking"
    • "Find a Partner" include option to email members.


  • For consistency, "Upload Results" is now called "Results Administration", no other change
  • Change to use Images instead of Fonts to show Suit symbols, overcoming issues with strange looking symbols on some Browsers and Mobiles/Cell phones with option in WebAdmin - Settings - Scoring to choose default
  • [Download] button on Scorecard to allow structured "Cut & Paste"
  • Menu icon button  now included in set for hiding /Showing Menu
  • New icon button  for direct access to "Results Analysis"
  • New icon button for options
    • Show Names in Travellers, replaces [More Details]
    • Show HCP etc on Hover
  • On XML Session All, shows message indicating ScoreCard and Board information are not available. 
  • For multiple XML Sessions, use deal file for Sessions 1,2.. and skip All session

Live Ranking

If you have the latest version of PairsScorer and want to show the Live Ranking remotely, use the link below

Latest News


  • Home Page Style - New feature in WebAdmin - Settings - Options to control which boxes appear, replaces existing Yes/No options
  • Competitions - changed from "Unhold" to "Add to Menu" to allow you to choose directly where to put in Menu
  • Add Page - Shows as Pop-Up to allow initial Page Title and Text to be set directly

Multiple Pictures

  • New feature in News - Pictures to choose further style of pictures

Membership List

  • Allows user to Sort columns, including numeric where appropriate.
  • Allows user to choose style of List, "List", "Grid", "Panes and how many across
  • Dynamic Searching
  • Extra Tab to cross-check to EBU NGS List

Personal Analysis

  • Multiple Columns expand to fit width of Screen
  • Improved Performance
  • Column sorting by using Column Headers
  • Option to hide the chart

Member Email Logs

The email service used by Bridgewebs have recently updated their data protection and now require that any person (email) that clicked "Unsubscribe" or "Junk" whether intentionally or accidentally, has to Re-Subscribe themselves with a 2 step confirmation.
You will need to ask them to Re-Subscribe by visiting the main site and going to "Re-Subscribe" in menu.
As they are blocked, the request cannot be sent from Bridgewebs, but needs to be from a personal email or word of mouth.
This page also contains further information about UnSubscribe, marking as Junk etc.  

There are several changes in to reflect the change to the email service and make it clearer.

  • The [View Log] button has been moved to its own Tab [Email Log]
  • 1 section for "Emails Sent"
  • 1 section for "Blocked Emails"
  • 1 section for getting emails unblocked

Secure Site (https)

Browsers, especially Firefox and Chrome,  are now showing warning messages when a page with a password and in some caes any input box is shown on a site, so now

  • Automatic Switch to a Secure site for logging into WebAdmin etc.


  • Forms - Submissions, extra "Delete All" button
  • Form Submission display - now allows sorting in both Ascending and descending sequence and numeric sorting if applicable
  • ACBLScore - Change to allow mixed Bridgemate/Manual scoring
  • PBN Commentray - Change to interpret NAG symbols
  • Editor - New version of online Editor 4.7.1. (Looks mainly the same, but complete new structure beneath)
  • Calendar Month - extra Icon  to allow the user to change the first day of the week.
  • Calendar, Results and "Latest Results" changed from images to Font style
  • Calendar Schedule extended to 12 months
  • Calendar Schedule - allow Week 5/Not Week 5
  • Membership List - Forward-Back buttons updated
  • More use of HTML5 - CSS
  • If you regularly upload separate Sections and then a "Merged" overall, there is an option to automatically exclude these from Competitions and "Personal Analysis" as this distorts Averages.
  • Menu - correctly process "Spacing between boxes"


Last updated : 1st Mar 2018 11:23 GMT
Release 2.19k - March 1st 2017


  • Extra option to "Rotate" a picture
  • Any Bridgewebs operations will "lose" EXIF information, thus avoiding problems with Tablet pictures automatically rotating

EBUScore and Teams

  • Extensive rewrite of XML Parser and modifications to allow better presentation of Team events, especially Teams of 8, substitute players, players switching and Multiple Sessions and new X-Imp Tab


  • Extended Ranking Codes.
  • Option for second BWS file when an event played in 2 locations, but combined
  • Pick up Owner field
  • Fix for Phantom Pairs
  • Fixes for Master Points and Ineligible
  • Extension to pick up "Hand Evaluation" now stored in BWS file when manually entered through Bridgemate


  • Any changes to the News are now logged and the Static pages automatically updated 15 minutes after latest update or when the "Publish" button is clicked, rather than whenever an applicable update is made. Particularly noticeable on larger sites.
  • Improvements to Adaptable display for Mobiles and Cell phones.

Language and Special Characters

  • Improvements to allow non-English character sets.
  • Feature to Normalize Member names and sort Members in a better sequence
  • Experimental option to include Google Translation feature, especially useful for non - English or Dual Language site, contact Bridgewebs for details

Calendar Schedule

  • Extra option to Schedule monthly events such as "2nd Tuesday", Not 2nd Tuesday".


  • Extra option to manually match Team members week by week overriding Bridgewebs algorithm
  • New Download button (World/Arrow) to extract Competition details

Results Display

  • Change to use Images instead of Fonts to show Suit symbols, overcoming issues with strange looking symbols on some Browsers and Mobiles/Cell phones


  • Latest Editor included CKEditor 4.5.9

Member Only Login

  • Changes to improve login procedure.

Personal Analysis

  • Extra option to set the number of events for the Moving Average

Support Tab

A new Web Admin Section called "Support" has been included

  • Contacts - Provides an analysis of all emails used to allow easy update of contact information
  • Request - Allows a Support Request to be raised while in Web Admin, not just Login
  • Messages - Lists all Bridgewebs Generated emails and allows you to view each
  • Subscription - Moved from Settings Section.


Last updated : 3rd Mar 2017 18:52 GMT
Release 2.19j - February 2016

Play It Again

The "Play it Again" - Bridge Solver Online (by John Goacher) now has an extra and more enhanced "Results Analysis" feature providing more in dept and graphical analysis of your performance.

Personal Analysis

Now shows graphs of the Analysis, courtesy John Goacher and fully integrated into Bridgewebs.

Form Entry Amendment

"Amend" option to allow Administrator to amend any entries on the Submission list, useful when using this method for Booking events.

Find a Partner/Bookings

  • Refinements to display to optimize depending on usage

Calendar Month Direct Update (Prototype)

Option for Hosts/Directors to book themselves on the calendar. Prototype, contact Bridgewebs for usage and suggestions

Calendar Month Direct Reservations (Prototype)

Option for players to book/register themselves on events Prototype, contact Bridgewebs for usage and suggestions.


Various updates.


Extra buttons to Play, Pause and Stop the Slideshow.
For those users who do not like scrolling, the "Pause" is remembered next time the page is visited. Otherwise, the Images will automatically start scrolling after 4 seconds and stop scrolling after 120 seconds..


  • Better handling of ACBL Master Points
  • ACBL automatically remove from ACBL Player database import
  • Further refinements to present DD/MM/YY as MM/DD/YY for US
  • From Membership - Email Members - View log, now allow club removal of Junk block
  • Enhancements to "Membership" - "Player DB" to highlight differences and duplicate Affiliation Numbers, thus Misspellings
  • Ability to "Copy" a news item
  • Various fixes to Competitions
  • Extend Member Only - Group Restriction to Menu pages
  • Updated Editor 4.5.4 to allow for Windows 10 - Edge issues
  • Additional EBU(County) icon


Last updated : 16th Feb 2016 12:00 GMT
Release 2.19i - May 2015

Release 2.19i has several enhancements and a number of minor fixes and consolidates changes in 2.19h/2.19g

Membership Database

Provision to add a Photo to each Member

  • This can be added by Admin
  • A logged on Member can upload and attach their own Passport style Photo
  • When the ACBL Gamefile is uploaded it contains some extra useful information (ACBLScore Only)
    • it contains some
      • The Players current Rank
      • The Players Total Masterpoints
    • These are now shown in an extra table below the Rank
    • The Membership database is updated.
      • This can be viewed in the Membership list or Export
      • These fields can be used in the MB List feature
  • Extra delays are now available to cater for the Common Game
    • This can also be included at the time of update in "Upload results
    • allows a delay to a particular hour today
    • or a deley of so many hours from upload 

MB List Feature

  • Shown in Separate Tab instead of under Editor
  • Now includes the ACBL fields
  • Allows Member Pictures to be displayed
  • Allows Multiple columns in Grid or Column format

Play It Again

An extra button has been added below the Scorecard displayed Hand.

"Play it Again" is the ability to click into one of the many "Double Dummy Solver" Programs to allow a player to select a contract and see what they should have done.

  • This allows a faster way to download the pbn to your PC Play it Again software
  • Plus, Link to Bridge Solver Online (by John Goacher)


The Page Theme has been enhanced

  • Now provided as a Popup Window where used
  • Extra Border styles to allow for rounded top/bottom etc
  • Option to use full Color palette
  • Option to Save club colors for use in other Themes.

Miscellaneous minor fixes

Last updated : 19th May 2015 11:39 GMT
Release 2.19h - Spring 2015

Release 2.19h has a number of enhancements and minor fixes

  • ACBL - Show Ineligible Players
  • Calendar Highlight - Extension to allow up to 9 Types, The background of the boxes will be displayed in a Colour Code of your choice.
  • Google Wallet for Subscription payment has been withdrawn by Google
  • Editor update to Version 4.4.6
  • Form - Provision to limit number of form entries
  • Form Emails - Review of method of delivery to "Trusted" emails. Will be routed through mail service
  • MSDB Feature - Option to include an Image reference in the Membership database and display in View
  • MSDB Feature - Option to show as Grid or Columns
  • Picture Gellery with Multiple Pictures. Option to show as "Thumbnails" as current or new feature "Slideshow".
  • Switch from "Comic Sans" to "Sans-Serif" for Apple iPad users
  • "Automatic" resizing of pages when used on mobile devices

Miscellaneous minor fixes

Last updated : 2nd Feb 2015 10:04 GMT
Release 2.19f - September 2014

Release 2.19f is mainly just a minor issue and cosmetic release.

  • ACBL - Minor correction to processs event dates with differnt format.
  • Banner - Allow logo links to be an email (just enter the email)
  • Bulk Email - Extra option to use a Email/Merge facility, see "Mail/Merge" in Guide
  • Short Names - Correction to allow short name in Competitions.
  • Calendar - Small fix to Calendar Sharing option to show home club
  • Competitions - Correction to use Rolling Handicap where required and Scorebridge Handicap used on Event.
  • Competitions - Fix to show short name as per Settings - Scorecard
  • Competitions - Extra option to specify who to show in Non_Qualify list
  • Deal - Improve "Open Deal" download feature for Hand files.
  • EBU NGS - Change to try downloading EBU NGS every day if failed
  • EBU NGS - Show NGS Event average if download set for the club
  • Editor - New version 4.4.3. Editor with various minor fixes
  • Forms - Fix to send email to assigned recipients
  • Forms - Fix to say "Show Fields" instead of "Not Show fields"
  • Hands - Change to pbn Traveller Format download to use PairId_NS\4R;PairId_EW\4R instead of PairId_NS\2R;PairId_EW\2R
  • Hands - fix to prevent Hand file being emailed every time you click on Hands button
  • Results - Match Tab - Changes to show Teams of Eight correctly.
  • Icons - Fix to static  home page Icons if "Where & When" icons used.
  • Matches - Improvement to format for Teams of Eight
  • Member Tab - Fix to show "Selected" Tab first
  • Membership - Add "Download" button for Membership export.
  • Player Comparison - Added extra option to exclude visitors
  • Player Download - Fix to support old versions of Scorebridge player format
  • News Pictures - Fix for mp4 and wmv files 
  • Payment - Extra option to pay subscription by Card rather than using PayPal directly
  • Player DB Download - Fix to handle old Scorebridge format Player DB giving Scorebridge Integer Conversion Exception
  • Rank - Fix for "Wins/Draws" Team display
  • Rank - Fix for Teams of Eight names links
  • Rank - Fix for XML Multi-Session Carry Forward and Total_score
  • Scoring Analysis - Correction of Assumption for some movements
  • Submissions - Add "Download" button for Submissions
  • Subscription - Change to use Popups
  • Travellers - Fix to show in order of WebAdmin - Settings - Scoring sort sequence
  • Travellers - Fix to correctly highlight selected Scorecard
  • Travellers - "Hand" buttons. Fix to show all boards correctly when clicked
  • WebAdmin Login - "Send a Message" now rquires a "Anti-Spammer" like confirmation of human sending

Scoring Analysis

  • Extra option in WebAdmin - Settings - Scoring, to specify alternate rotation for Howell

EBU USBIO Import Format 1.1.

  • Provision to process USEBIO 1.1 format XML
  • Especially Teams of Eight

Miscellaneous Technical Fixes

Last updated : 22nd Sep 2014 15:15 GMT
Release 2.19e and Editor 4.4

The latest 4.4 version of the Editor is available with 2.19e. This has various improvements and enhancements to the building of the Icon plugins.

Accordingly, 3 extra plugins have been built to match Bridgewebs features

Insert Document - Icon looks like a Book
Insert Picture - Icon looks like a Camera
Insert a suit symbol - Icons look like suit symbols.

The Insert Document and Picture show a dialog with a simple dropdown to correctly insert the URL for the chosen document or picture. A picture can be further editted using the existing Image Properties.

The "Insert Suit" options provide a one-step click for inserting a suit symbol (using special character).

If you have selected a different Editor, it will be necessary to go to WebAdmin - Settings - Options and choose either Editor 4.4 or Default.

Last updated : 14th May 2014 10:31 GMT
Guide Search Feature

The "Guide now has a search feature to look for particular topics.

You can search for a specific word or set of 2 or more words (i.e. all present )

Last updated : 24th Mar 2014 11:51 GMT
Backups Accessible

With the extra capacity of the new server it has been possible to provide additional backups that you, the web administrator can use.

  • Weekly - A backup of all of the Bridgewebs sites is taken early (GMT) on Saturday morning
  • Monthly - A backup of all of the Bridgewebs sites is taken early (GMT) on the First of the month

These do take several hours to run, so it is not possible to predict what time that your club will be backed up.

To access these simply change the subdomain or www part of the web address for your club

  • Weekly - from www to weekly
  • Monthly - from www to monthly

You can use these backups to retrieve data that you might have accidentally or otherwise deleted from the live system. For News items, use Cut & Paste.

You can also use these to experiment, probably best to use the monthly. Please note these will be automatically overwritten as above.

Alos, please note, these are in addition to off-site backups which would be used by Bridgewebs for Disaster recovery. For the techies among you, the new server does have "Mirror" disks for additional security.

Last updated : 1st Apr 2014 12:48 GMT
Release 2.19e - April 2014 (Beta pre-release)

Release 2.19d  is a beta release of improvements of a minor nature. Release 2.19e is a beta release with more significant changes across the whole of Bridgewebs, therefore needs further quality control and user feedback before release.

  • HTML5
    • The upgrade of Bridgewebs from Images to HTML has continued. In the old days, when Bridgewebs first started, the only way to get some web effects was to use images. HTML5 is a new standard with new features which allows this to be done with HTML coding. The biggest advantage is that the full range of colours and shapes can be obtained just with HTML instructions. In particular 
      • The Bridgewebs "Theme" use of "Shadow" and "Rounded" is now done with HTML5 code. This means that you can now choose the border shape and colour. The upgrade will attempt to switch your site to an equivalent HTML5 setting. However, it may be necessary to go into the "Theme" and fine tune the settings.
      • Two additional "Menu" styles "Button Glow 1" and "Button Glow 2" use the "Border" colour to give a "Glow" to the Menu entry. You will need to go into WebAdmin to take advantage of these.
      • Various "Rounded" corners on the web site have been switched to HTML5 instead of Images
    • The reason for limiting the "Site Colour" to 12 selected colours was because of the number of images that needed to be created. A future release will remove this restriction.
  • Hands
    • A new "Hand Viewer" has been developed which will display the hand dynamically, whether in "Hand of the Week" or Traveller
    • The "Hand of Week" editor has been updated to use this.
    • The "Hand" layout has been updated to make it clearer (in Bridgewebs view, feel free to comment on this)
    • An additional "Larger View" has been introduced which will show the "Hand" as if at the table with "Card Images"
  • Dynamic Travellers
    • Some users have reported problems and performance issues with clicking through Travellers.
      • The Hand and Traveller Information is now downloaded in a compressed format just the once and the switch between Travellers is performed using Dynamic HTML (Javascript) and thus will be more or less instant on newer computers, tablets and smartphones. 
      • The "Hand" layout will be as above.
    • A summary analysis of the Hands for a session is now included showing Average HCP and Number of Voids, Singletons etc. for each player.
  • General
    • Several minor changes.


Last updated : 14th Sep 2018 09:35 GMT
Release 2.19d - February 2014 (Beta Pre-Release)
  • ACBL
    • Use DBASE.csv direct out of ACBScore as a Membership Import file
    • Improve Section buttons especially regarding Multiple Combined Events.
    • Match Uploaded Results over Date, Title and Director (New)
  • Results Display
    • Provision to display Auction if present in results import. (Limited Scoring Software only)
    • Print button for Monthly Calendar 
    • Provide for "Continuous" EBU IMP-VP Scales
    • Provide for IMP Capping (extra #Capmax and #Capmin parameters)
  • General
    • Remember Email where Applicable
    • Improve Case sensitive logging in.
  • Forms
    • Option to specify Mandatory Fields
    • Option to choose which fields are shown in Form List on Public page



Last updated : 14th Sep 2018 09:35 GMT
New style Weekly/List Calendar

A new faster calendar is now available in weekly format, e.g. It will allow the user to choose between a weekly and list calendar.

For example click on Print

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
  1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31      


To allow a bigger display, the calendar ignores weekends if no Saturday or Sunday events are present.

Last updated : 27th Sep 2013 17:00 GMT
More Efficient Presentation of Results

The results display now allows a mixture of panes which is more efficient. It has been particularly desiged for use on Smartphones and Tablets.

  • The databases have been changed to provide more efficent presentation.
  • The layout and buttons have been revised and made clearer.
  • The player list on the left is now optional to suit smartphones
  • You can have 2 Scorecards open at once side by side
  • If Contracts have been entered, there is an extra analysis of how Declarer/Defender performed.
Last updated : 30th Sep 2013 11:45 GMT
More efficient Presentation of Competitions

The competition display now allows a mixture of panes which is more efficient. It has been particularly desiged for use on Smartphones and Tablets.

  • The layout and buttons have been revised and made clearer.
  • There is an extra Non-Qualifier Tab
  • The Player Tab and Events Tab now work in a similar fashion.
Last updated : 27th Sep 2013 16:48 GMT

The Member Login and Web Administration Login have been redesigned to, hopefully, make it clearer.

The "Forgotten Password" now sends an email with a link inviting the member to change their password rather than send the password in the email.

Last updated : 27th Sep 2013 17:04 GMT
New Scoring Software Upload API Interface

A new Interface (API) for the Scoring software has been provided to make it significantly more efficient and provide extended features. Mainly this will be transparent to most Club Administrators and ceratinly users, but the efficiency may be noticed by scorers.

In addition, the Bridgewebs Player Database feature has been completely rewritten to provide a "Universal" player database irrespective of the Scoring software. This shouls mean that you can synchronize player databases even if you use more than one Scoring software. Particularly useful, if you have a visiting Scorer using a different scoring software who needs a copy of your player database.

Last updated : 30th Sep 2013 11:08 GMT
News Editor - CKEditor 4.2

Release 2.19 comes with an updated Editor (CKEditor 4.2).

  • This now includes card symbols as ♥ ♦ and in appropriate colour (was beta tested on 4.1)
  • Handles problems with using the Editor in Safari, particularly iPads, particularly Scrolling
  • Several Bug fixes
Last updated : 14th Oct 2013 11:39 GMT
Bulk Email Logs

Improvements have been made to the logging to allow a Club Administrator to reinstate an "Unsubscribed" member. Please be cautious about this to ensure that the the person didn't really intend to Unsubscribe". It also allows you to reinstate a "Blocked Email" where the email has failed to be delivered, again, please be careful about checking that the email is valid.

Increased checks on validity of emails.

In addition, you can view the detailed log of emails sent and what has happened to them. "Opened" or "Clicked" wil definitely have been read. "Delivered" may still have been read, but. in certain cases and with certain email providers, the "Bulk Email" service may not have been sent an acknowledgement.

Last updated : 30th Sep 2013 11:43 GMT
User Definable Membership List

A new option has been provided to add a Membership list to a News item

This allows you:

  • to enter the columns to show
  • to enter the sort sequence
  • to pre-define the selection, especially useful used in conjunction with Member groups
  • to choose the number of columns
  • attach to a public or private page.
Last updated : 30th Sep 2013 14:20 GMT
Weekly Schedule

You can now create a "Weekly Schedule" and this will be used to automatically extend the Calendar Month by Month at the start of each Month

Last updated : 14th Oct 2013 11:38 GMT
Scorebridge Mulitiple Events

If you upload more than one event a day from Scorebridge and have a pre-assigned Bridgewebs Calendar, in Scorebridge "Preferences" - "Web PAge Preferences" tick the "Select from Bridgewebs Calendar when uploading".

This feature was introduced in Scorebridge relatively recently and retro fitted to Release 2.18x, so you may have missed it.

Last updated : 15th Oct 2013 09:17 GMT
Competitions with EBU Ranking or NGS Grades

If you club is affiliated to the EBU, you can show EBU Rankings and NGS Grades automatically in your web Site. Enter your EBU club code and password in Settings - Site Details.

Then, the EBU Rankings and NGS will automaticaaly show in the Member Only Tab.

Alternatively, you can choose where to show them. Use the new "News Item" Widget option to add them to a News Item and make the page public or private. Then you can adjust the Member Tab in Web Admin - Menu - Member Tab".

The EBU Ranking and NGS Grades can be used in the "Include/Exclude" option of Competitions. Also the NGS Grades can be handicapped to provide a Handicap competition based on NGS Grades.

Last updated : 15th Oct 2013 09:24 GMT
Other Enhancements

This list included some new features which were added as specials in the beta Releases 2.18y/2.18z

  • A standard online url will be used regardless of release which shouldn't then matter with people bookmarking it.
  • Provide Master Point Tables and translastion for smaller countries.
  • Allow for Butler Factoring from Pairsscorer.
  • New Date picker
  • Experimental Drag & Drop to upload pictures

Numerous other minor changes

  • Pick up "Director" from ACBL Game file.
Last updated : 15th Oct 2013 09:24 GMT